
Kinetic energy or energy of motion (also called kinetic energy) is the energy possessed by an object due to its motion.

Kinetic energy of an object equal to the amount of effort required to express the speed and rotation, starting from the break.

Every moving object has energy. The energy possessed by a moving object is called kinetic energy. Or simply language: kinetic energy is energy that is being done on a moving object.

Kinetic Energy

Every moving object has energy. Catapults were pulled and released so that the stone was in the sling glide with a certain speed. Moving stone has energy. If directed at the neighbor's chickens chickens are most likely due to limp helplessly beaten stone. In this example the stone do the work in chickens wheeled vehicles moving at a certain speed on a highway has kinetic energy. When two vehicles collide on the move, then we can be sure the vehicle will be brought to the workshop for repair. Damage caused by the collision occurred because the two cars were initially engaged to do business / work against each other. When a builder hit the nail using a hammer, hammer-driven builders do work on the nail.

Any moving object exerts a force on another object and move it as far as a certain distance. Moving objects have the ability to do work, therefore can be said to have energy. Energy on a moving object is called kinetic energy. The word comes from the Greek kinetic, kinetikos, which means "movement". when a moving object, the object must have speed. Thus, we can conclude that the kinetic energy is the energy possessed by the object movement or speed.

Now let's lower the kinetic energy equation.

To decrease the kinetic energy equation, imagine a body of mass m is moving on a straight track with an initial speed vo.

In order to uniformly accelerated objects moving at speed v then the object must be constant and the total force in the direction of motion of objects as far s. For businesses that do work on the object alias for W = F s. Large force F = m a.

Because the object has an initial speed vo, the final rate vt and move as far as s, then to calculate the value of the acceleration a, we use the equation vt2 = VO2 + 2as.Kita subtitusikan acceleration values ​​into the equation a force F = ma, to determine the business:

This equation describes the total business is done on the object. Since W = KE then we can conclude that the translational kinetic energy of the object is:

W = KE = ½ mv2 - equation 2

Equation 1 above can be rewritten into:

Equation 3 states that the total effort acting on an object is equal to the change in kinetic energy. This statement is a business-energy principle. Principle-energy businesses apply if W is the total business done by each force acting on the object. If the positive efforts (W) works on an object, then its kinetic energy increase with the positive efforts (W). If the effort (W) done on the object is negative, then the kinetic energy the object is reduced by W. It could be argued that the net force on an object is given where the direction opposite to the direction of motion of objects, then the force is to reduce the rate and the total kinetic energy of objects. If the total business done on the object is zero, then the kinetic energy fixed objects (objects rate constant).

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