
Citizenship is membership of a person in control of a particular political unit (in particular: state) which brings with it the right to participate in political activities. Someone with a membership that is called citizen. A citizen has the right to have a passport from a country that dianggotainya.
Citizenship is part of the concept of citizenship (English: citizenship). In this sense, the citizens of a city or county called city residents or citizens of the district, as they are also a political unit. In regional autonomy, citizenship is important, because each political unit will entitle the holder (usually social) different for its citizens.
Citizenship has similarities with nationality (English: nationality). The difference is that the rights to be active in politics. It is possible to have a nationality without being a citizen (ie, it is subject to a state law and are entitled without any right to participate in politics). It is also possible to have political rights without being a national of a member state.
Under the social contract theory, citizenship status has implications for the rights and obligations. In the philosophy of "active citizenship", a citizen is required to contribute to the improvement of community capacity through economic participation, public service, volunteer work, and other similar activities to improve the livelihoods of its people. From this premise appears Citizenship subjects (English: Civics) given in schools.
Indonesian Citizenship
A citizen of Indonesia (WNI) is a person who is recognized by law as citizens of the Republic of Indonesia. This person will be given identity cards, according to the District or (especially Jakarta) Province, where he was listed as a resident / citizen. This person will be given a unique identification number (ID Parent Population, NIK) when he was 17 years old and registered at government offices. Passport granted by the state to its citizens as proof of identity in the governance of international law concerned.
Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia stipulated in Law no. 12 of 2006 on Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia. Under this law, people who become citizen of Indonesia (WNI) is
1. any person who before the enactment of the Act has been a citizen
2. children born of the legitimate marriage of father and mother citizen
3. children born of the legitimate marriage of a citizen father and mother foreign citizens (foreigners), or vice versa
4. children born of the legitimate marriage of a citizen mother and a father who does not have legal citizenship or country of origin of the father did not give citizenship to the child
5. children born within 300 days after his father died of a legal marriage, and his father was a citizen
6. children born outside of marriage are legitimate citizens of mother
7. children born outside of marriage were legally recognized mothers WNA by a citizen as his father and the confession made before the child is 18 years or unmarried
8. children born in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia at the time of birth is unclear citizenship status his father and mother.
9. newborn child found in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia for the father and mother are unknown
10. children born in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia when his mother and father have no nationality or whereabouts unknown
11. children born outside the territory of the Republic of Indonesia from the father and mother citizen, who as the provisions of the country in which the child is born to give citizenship to the child
12. son of a father or mother who has been granted citizenship petition, then the father or mother died before stated the oath or pledge of allegiance.
In addition, it is also recognized as citizens for
1. citizen children born outside marriage are legitimate, not yet 18 years old and not married, legally recognized by a foreign national father
2. children of citizens who have a five year old, who was appointed legally as a child by foreigners based on court order
3. children who are under 18 years of age or unmarried, are located and residing within the territory of Indonesia, a father or a mother acquire Indonesian citizenship
4. WNA children who are under five years old who are legally adopted by the court ruling as a child by a citizen.
Indonesia also obtained citizenship for a person who is included in the following situations:
1. Children who are under 18 years of age or unmarried, are located and residing within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, a father or a mother acquire Indonesian citizenship
2. Children of foreign citizens who have a five year old child legally appointed by the court ruling as a child by a citizen of Indonesia
In addition to the acquisition of citizenship as mentioned above, it is also possible the acquisition of citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia through the process of naturalization. Foreign nationals who are legally married to an Indonesian citizen and have lived in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia at least five consecutive years or ten years in a row not to submit a statement to citizens before competent authority, provided it does not lead to dual citizenship.
Different from previous Citizenship Act, Citizenship Act of 2006 allows dwikewarganegaraan limited basis, ie for children aged up to 18 years old and not married till that age. Further regulation on this matter imprinted on Government Regulation no. 2 in 2007.
Of the Act is seen that in principle the Republic of Indonesia adheres to the principle of ius sanguinis citizenship; coupled with limited ius soli (see points 8-10) and limited dual citizenship (point 11).

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