
All About Impact of Globalization Happens in Indonesia

Globalization is a process in which individuals, groups, and among nations interact, dependent, related and affect each other across national boundaries. The impact of economic globalization brings both positive and negative.

The positive impact of globalization, among others:
1. The opening of markets for export products, with a record of Indonesia's export products to compete in international markets. This opens up opportunities for entrepreneurs in Indonesia to deliver quality products, creative, and needed by the world market.
2. The easier access to investment capital from abroad. If the investment is direct, such as the establishment of factories in Indonesia, it will create jobs. It can overcome the scarcity of capital in Indonesia.
3. The easier it is to obtain the items needed by the community and can not be produced in Indonesia.
4. The increasing tourism activities, thus opening up employment in the tourism product as well as a promotional event in Indonesia.

The negative impact of globalization for economic activity in Indonesia is mainly sourced from the unpreparedness of the Indonesian economy in the increasingly free. Negative impacts as follows.
1. Possible loss of market Indonesia's export products due to competition from other countries production cheaper and quality. For example, we lost a lot of agricultural products from Thailand.
2. The flood of imported products in the Indonesian market so deadly efforts in Indonesia. For example, the threat of Chinese batik products are cheaper for the batik industry in the country.
3. The threat of the global financial sector is increasingly free and become a means of speculation. Investments that have been planted in Indonesia could easily be withdrawn or revoked if deemed no longer profitable. This could affect the stability of the economy.
4. The threat of the entry of foreign workers (expatriates) in Indonesia a more professional HR management. Employment in Indonesia which has a narrow become increasingly narrow.
In conclusion, globalization can have positive or negative depending on the readiness of our mengadapinya.

Impact of Globalization in Economics:
1. The impact of globalization in economics, among others:
Globalization and market liberalism has offered an alternative to achieving higher living standards. The widening inequality of income distribution between rich countries to poor countries. The emergence of multinational corporations and transnational. Open opportunities for wealth accumulation and monopoly business and political power in a few hands. The emergence of global economic institutions such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, the WTO.

2. Social Impact of Globalization in the field of culture:
Increasingly global capitalist cultural values ​​in the world community. Rampant western dress styles in developing countries. The proliferation of film production and music in the form of CDs / VCDs or DVDs.

3. Impact of Globalization in Politics
State no longer regarded as a key holder in the development process. Public policy makers in developing countries take the path of development to address social and economic problems. The emergence of a wave of democratization (the desire for freedom).

The positive impact of Globalization:
1. Easy to obtain information and knowledge
2. Easy to communicate
3. Fast in traveling (mobili-high bag)
4. Cultivate an attitude kosmopo-Litan and tolerant
5. Spur to improve myself
6. Easily meet the needs of

The negative impact of Globalization:
1. The information is not filtered
2. Consumer behavior
3. Make self-closing gesture, narrow thinking
4. Wasteful spending and mimic bad behavior
5. Easily influenced by things that smell west

The advent of globalization is certainly an impact to the lives of some countries, including Indonesia. The impact of globalization includes the positive and negative impacts in various areas of life such as politics, economics, ideology, socio-cultural, etc. will impact the values ​​of nationalism to the nation.

Positive effects of globalization on the values ​​of nationalism:
1. Judging from the globalization of politics, government is run in an open and democratic. Because the government is part of a country, if the government be executed in an honest, clean and dynamic course will receive a positive response from the people. Positive feedback in the form of a sense of nationalism against the state increases.
2. From the aspect of economic globalization, the opening of international markets, increase employment opportunities and increase foreign exchange. With this it will improve the economic life of the nation to support the national life of the nation.
3. From the socio-cultural globalization we can mimic the pattern of thinking that good as a high work ethic and the discipline of science and technology from other nations that have been developed to improve the nation's progress in advancing the nation and will ultimately strengthen our sense of nationalism to the nation.

Negative effects of globalization on the values ​​of nationalism:
1. Globalization was able to convince the people of Indonesia that liberalism can bring progress and prosperity. So that it is possible to change the direction of the ideology Pancasila ideology of liberalism. If this occurs as a result tesebut sense of nationalism will disappear
2. Economic aspects of globalization, the loss of a love for domestic products because many foreign products (such as Mc Donald's, Coca Cola, Pizza Hut, etc..) Flooding in Indonesia. With the loss of a sense of love towards domestic product showing signs of reduced sense of nationalism against the Indonesian society.
3. Our society especially young people who forget a lot of identity as a nation of Indonesia, because of his lifestyle tend to imitate the western culture that the world community is considered as the center.

The impact of globalization on socio-cultural
Circumstances is a state of balance in society coveted by every society. In that case, individuals are psychologically feel the presence of a peace, because there are no contradictions in the norms and values ​​held by society. Every time there is a balance disorder, people can resist the elements that will make a difference. This refusal caused the fear of faltering balance which means the system can appear.

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