
Short story or short story is often abbreviated as a fictitious prose narrative. Short stories tend to be concise and to the point than his longer works of fiction, such as novellas (in the modern sense) and novels. Because of short, short stories are successful rely on literary techniques such as character, plot, theme, language and insight wider than longer fiction. The story may be of any type.

Short story from anecdote, a situation described briefly who quickly arrived at the destination, with a parallel tradition of oral storytelling. With the advent of the realistic novel, the short story evolved as a miniature, with examples in the tales of ETA Hoffmann and Anton Chekhov.


The origins

The short story begins in the oral storytelling tradition that produced well-known stories such as Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. The stories are presented in the form of rhythmic poetry, the rhythm that serves as a tool to help people to remember the story. Short parts of these stories focus on individual narratives that could be delivered in one shot short. A whole new look when the whole story of the story has been submitted.

Fables, which tend to be folk tales with moral messages in them, were said by the Greek historian Herodotus as the findings of a Greek slave named Aesop in the 6th century BC (although there are other stories from other nations ascribed to Aesop). These ancient fables are now known as Aesop's Fables. However, there are also others that provide definitions related to the term fable. Fabel, in repertory Literature Indonesia often, interpreted as a story about an animal as an actor (character) major. Popular fables such as Kancil story, and so on.

Furthermore, this type of story is expanded to include sage, myth, and legend. Sage is a story of heroism. For example Joko Dolog. Myth or rather the myth related stories the local belief about something. For example Nyi Roro Kidul. While the legend implies as a story about the origins of the occurrence of a place. Examples of Banyuwangi.

The other ancient form of short story, the anecdote, popular in the Roman Empire. Anecdotes functioned as a parable, a brief realistic narrative that embodies a purpose. Many of the surviving Roman anecdotes were collected in the Gesta Romanorum later in the 13th century or 14th. Anecdotes remained popular in Europe until the 18th century, when the letter-fictional anecdotal letters of Sir Roger de Coverley were published.

In Europe, the oral storytelling tradition began to develop into written stories in the early 14th century, most notably with Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and Giovanni Boccaccio's Decameron. Both of these books are composed of short stories apart (which range from humorous anecdotes to well-crafted literary fiction either), which is placed inside a larger narrative story (a frame story), although the frame tale device was not adopted by all writers . At the end of the 16th century, some of the short stories are the most popular in Europe is a "novella" darkly tragic Matteo Bandello (especially in their French translation). During the Renaissance, the term is used to refer to the novella short stories.

In the mid-17th century in France there is a development that was refined short novel, "nouvelle", by authors such as Madame de Lafayette. In the 1690's, traditional fairy tales began to be published (one of the most famous collection is the work of Charles Perrault). The emergence of the first modern translation of the Thousand and One Nights by Antoine Galland (from 1704; another translation appeared in 1710-12) poses a great influence on European short stories of Voltaire, Diderot and others in the 18th century.

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