
TO GOD Almighty
Allah the Exalted and Glorified,
Esa is no partner for Him, nothing is like it Single
Qodim is without beginning, without beginning end
Life continues without end without a final lasting
Who has great qualities: namely:
1.    God is a form of means MAHA ADA

Is it true that Allah existed?
Allah existed, as evidenced by no creation (CREATURES) because the thing itself can not be created, because the origin of all the creature does not exist and that no could not possibly create. Therefore there must be something creative. That the Lord.
Furthermore, WHO IS GOD?
Are entitled, and which deserves to be called the Lord is GOD Almighty, because the others are considered as God by all of them do not meet the criteria as Lord. As an example that God should MAHA dashing, POWER, ESA, unseen, DZAHIR etc..
And that has all it was GOD Almighty.

2. God is QIDAM means NO BEGINNING

The existence of Allah has no beginning, and no berpermulaan, by God therefore does not need to a create or give birth, because only a berpermulaan who need to a hold.

3. God is eternal meaning BAQO

Allah is eternal, life will not berpenghujung GOD Almighty, that Allah will not die. His life Allah can turn to another, in contrast to his creatures, no one else could live.

4. God is Mukholapatu lilhawaditsi means DIFFERENT Allah is different from what is created, if Allah the same as (being) means that Allah is not God but a creature. Therefore the nature of the Godhead Mandatory MUKHOLAPATU LILHAWADITSI.

5. God is Qiyamuhu binafsih means STANDING THEIR OWN

No one created God Almighty, no litter and no diperanakan. Her life free from dependence upon God everything. Before all things exist, God is already there and no one held a (stand-alone)

6. God is Wahdaniyat means ESA

There is no partner with Allah, nothing and nobody resembles a match, let alone surpass him.
Belief systems mandatory ESA, ESA if God did not, then there are some chances of that happening.
First, it may not be tangible of all creation, for destroying each other, but they are not.
Second, it may be created in accordance with the number of God, but the reality is not.

God is more than one statement violated the logic and nature:
- If God were a more manly and God created ... while others lost and not created, then God does not deserve to be called God's lost ... therefore God is only ONE.
- If a lot of work to create something of God, then surely God's work in creation does not deserve the name of God, because God will never need help. Therefore, it is only ONE GOD.


Allah hath power over all things:
God's power (able) to do things that are not possible according to human reason.
Such as:
God's power to create the same with God himself (but it gtak will happen, because GOD Almighty says no to Him.

God's power to unite the right-contradiction (day together with dinner, etc.)

8. God wills it means is Irodat

When it comes to making plans (qodho) or Taqdir, Allah did not experience coercion from any party, including the state of the force.
Most holy God of Intervention anyone.

9. Science means that God is ALMIGHTY KNOW God is all-knowing. God's knowledge is very broad and no one being to Him.
Even God Almighty knows the birth and the supernatural entirely, Including BLACK ANT know the way a black stone on a dark middle of the night.

God knows: a grain of dust floating through the sky without light.
God knows all creatures movement, Including the movement of creatures heart.
No one apart from the knowledge of God even if one or moment.

10. God is Life means Life

If God is not alive, then there will be no live creatures.
However, life is different from the creatures of God, not with life etc. ..

11. God is Just means HEAR

There was not a sound came out of the hearing of God, Including the creature of conscience, but God Almighty, hear without ears like a slap without hands and see without eyes, like humans.

12. God is Bashor means SEE

Also God is seen, no one gerakanpun, no one creature escape from the sight of God, God looks not with the eyes like a man, but in a different way that we have not been Notified by Allah swt.

13. Kalam means God is Almighty TO SPEAK

Maha says to God Almighty. As the Word of God directly to Prophet Moses. But God said no voice to speak without words, but very understanding to his listeners. Not necessarily the direction from where the sound was and where the passage toward the voice.

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