
Proclamation of Indonesian Independence
Proclamation Sukarno had read the text typed and signed Sajuti Melik Soekarno-Hatta

Proclamation of Indonesian Independence Friday, August 17, 1945 solar year, or August 17, 2605 by in Japan read by Ir. Sukarno, who was accompanied by Drs. Mohammad Hatta in Pegangsaan Way East 56, Central Jakarta.
convinced that Japan had already surrendered, and the proclamation of independence of Indonesia as it can cause great bloodshed, and can have fatal consequences if the fighters Indonesia is not ready. Soekarno Hatta warned that Syahrir no right to declare independence because it is the right of the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI). Meanwhile Syahrir agency considers PPKI is made in Japan and the proclamation of independence by PPKI just a 'gift' from Japan (sic).Indonesia flag raising witnesses 17 August 1945.jpg
On 14 August 1945 Japan surrendered to the Allies. Japanese Army and Navy are still in power in Indonesia because of Japan has promised to restore the power in Indonesia in the hands of the Allies. Sutan Sjahrir, Wikana, Dervish, and Saleh Chaerul this news through BBC radio. After hearing rumors of Japan will its knees, the younger group urged parents to immediately proclaim the independence of Indonesia. But the older group did not want to rush. They do not want the bloodshed at the time of the proclamation. Consultation was carried out in the form of meetings PPKI. Young Group does not approve the meeting, considering PPKI is a body established by the Japanese. They want freedom to the efforts of our nation itself, not giving Japan.
Sukarno and Hatta went to military rulers of Japan (Gunsei) to obtain confirmation in his office in Koningsplein (Merdeka Square). But the office was empty.
Sukarno and Hatta with Soebardjo then to the office Bukanfu, Rear Admiral Maeda, in Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara (Maeda house on Jl Imam Bonjol 1). Maeda welcome them with congratulations on their success in Dalat. As he says he has not received confirmation and are still waiting for instructions from Tokyo. Coming home from Maeda, Sukarno and Hatta immediately prepare for the meeting of the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) on August 16 at 10 am the next day at the office Pejambon Road No 2 to discuss all things related to the preparation of the Declaration of Independence.
A day later, the pressure fluctuation takeover Indonesia requires mounting launched the youth of some classes. PPKI meeting on August 16 at 10 am was not implemented because of Sukarno and Hatta did not appear. The meeting participants do not know Rengasdengklok event has occurred.Events RengasdengklokThe main article for this section are: event Rengasdengklok
The young fighters, including Chaerul Saleh, Sukarni, and Wikana - supposedly reportedly burned surge heroism after discussion with the title Datuk Tan Malaka Ibrahim - who joined the underground movement lost patience, and in the early morning of August 16, 1945. Together Shodancho Singgih, a member of PETA, and another boy, they brought Sukarno (along Fatmawati Guntur-old and 9 months) and Hatta, the Rengasdengklok, which became known as Rengasdengklok event. The goal is to Ir. Sukarno and Drs. Moh. Hatta is not affected by the Japanese. Here, they are re-assured Soekarno that Japan had surrendered and the fighters are ready to fight the Japanese, no matter what. In Jakarta, the younger, Wikana, and old groups, namely Mr. Ahmad Soebardjo negotiations. Mr. Ahmad Soebardjo agreed to proclaim the independence of Indonesia in Jakarta. then diutuslah Yusuf Ahmad Soebardjo Kunto to take into Rengasdengklok. They picked Ir. Sukarno and Drs. Moh. Hatta returned to Jakarta. Mr. Ahmad Soebardjo managed to convince the youth to not rush - rush declared independence. After arriving in Jakarta, they go home each. Given that the Hotel Des Indes (now a shopping complex in Harmony) can not be used for meetings after 10 pm, then Rear Admiral Maeda bid to use his house (now a museum building proclamation formulation) as a meeting place PPKI accepted by the leaders of Indonesia.Meeting Sukarno / Hatta with Major General and Rear Admiral Nishimura Maeda
At night, Soekarno and Hatta returned to Jakarta. Maj. Gen. Moichiro Yamamoto, XVI Army Chief of Staff (Army) who became head of the military government of Japan (Gunseikan) in the Dutch East Indies refused to accept Sukarno-Hatta delivered by Tadashi Maeda and ordered Major General Otoshi Nishimura, Head of the General Affairs Department of government Japanese military, to receive the group. Nishimura argued that since the afternoon of August 16, 1945 has received an order from Tokyo that Japan should maintain the status quo, can not give permission to prepare the proclamation of Indonesian independence, as had been promised by Marshal Terauchi in Dalat, Vietnam. Sukarno and Hatta regretted that decision and insinuated Nishimura whether an officer spirited attitude Bushido, break a promise to be pitied by the Allies. Finally Sukarno-Hatta requested that do not impede the work PPKI Nishimura, perhaps by way of pretending not to know. Seeing the hot debate Maeda quietly leave the room because it was warned by Nishimura in order to obey Tokio Maeda, and he knows as Navy liaison officer (Kaigun) in the Army (Rikugun) he does not have the authority to decide.
Once out of the house Nishimura, Sukarno-Hatta headed home admiral Maeda (now Jalan Imam Bonjol 1) accompanied by Myoshi to conduct a meeting to prepare the text of the Proclamation. After greeting Sukarno-Hatta left arguing with Nishimura, Maeda resigned to her bedroom. Preparation of the text of the Proclamation made by Sukarno, M. Hatta, Achmad Soebardjo and witnessed by Soekarni, BM Diah, Sudiro (Grandma) and Sayuti Melik. Myoshi half-drunk in the back seat listening to the preparation of the text but then there is a sentence of Shigetada Nishijima as if he shared proclamation interfere with the preparation and suggested that the transfer of power that just means the administrative power. On this Bung Karno confirmed that the transfer of power that means "transfer of power". Bung Hatta, Subardjo, BM Diah, Sukarni, Sudiro and Malik Sajuti nothing but justify the claim in some quarters Nishijima Nishijima claims are echoed.
Once the draft is complete agreement, Sajuti copying and typing text using a typewriter taken from the German Navy offices, owned by Major (Sea) Dr. Hermann Kandeler. [2] At first reading of the proclamation will be made at the Field Ikada, due to the security reasons moved to the residence of Sukarno, Pegangsaan Way East 56 [3] (now Jl. Proclamation no. 1).Manuscript Reading Seconds ProclamationOriginal manuscript proclamation placed on the National Monument
Negotiations between the younger and older groups in the preparation of the text of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence took place at 2:00 to 4:00 a.m. in the morning. Text of the proclamation was written in the dining room at Admiral Tadashi Maeda Jln Imam Bonjol No. 1. The author of the text of the proclamation is Ir. Sukarno, Drs. Moh. Hatta, and Mr. Ahmad Soebarjo. The concept proclamation written by Ir. Sukarno himself. In the front room, attended BM Diah Sayuti Melik, Sukarni and Soediro. Sukarni proposed that the text of the proclamation was signed Ir. Sukarno and Drs. Moh. Hatta on behalf of the Indonesian nation. Indonesia's Proclamation text typed by Sayuti Melik. The next morning, August 17, 1945, at the residence of Sukarno, East 56th Street Pegangsaan have attended, among others Soewirjo, Wilopo, Gafar Pringgodigdo, Tabrani and Trimurti. The event begins at 10:00 pm with the reading of the proclamation by Sukarno and connected speech without text. Then the flag, which had been sewn by Mrs. Fatmawati, raised, followed by remarks by Soewirjo, deputy mayor of Jakarta at the time and Moewardi, led Barisan Pioneer.
At first Trimurti asked to raise the flag but he refused on the grounds pengerekan flag should be carried by a soldier. Therefore instituted Hendraningrat Latif, a soldier MAP, assisted by Soehoed for the task. A young woman emerged from behind a tray flag (Sang Saka Merah Putih), were sewn by Fatmawati few days earlier. After the flag flying, the audience sing Indonesia Raya. [4]. Until now, the flag is still stored heritage monument museum National Monument.
After the ceremony took place, approximately 100 members of Barisan Pioneers led S.Brata come in a hurry because they do not know where sudden changes of Ikada to Pegangsaan. They demand repeat readings Proclamation Sukarno, but was rejected. Finally Hatta gave a brief message to them. [5]

On August 18, 1945, the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) decisions, approve and set the Basic Law (Constitution) as the foundation of the Republic of Indonesia, which became known as the Constitution 45. Thus formed the Government in the form of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia) with sovereignty in the hands of the people who carried out entirely by the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), which will be established later.
After that Sukarno and M.Hatta elected at the proposal of Oto PPKI Iskandardinata and approval of the president and vice-president of the Republic of Indonesia first. President and Vice President will be assisted by a National Committee.Fill Text ProclamationManuscript Klad
Our nation is Indonesia with Indonesia declared independence. Hal2 which the displacement kekoeasaan etc., carefully organized with the manner and in the shortest possible time the entire period.

Djakarta, 17-8-05
Representatives of the Indonesian nation.
Sukarno / Hatta
A new text after a change
In the proclamation, there are several changes that are on:

The word changed to tempo the entire period
Representatives said the Indonesian nation was changed to the name of Indonesia
Said Djakarta, 17-8-45 changed to Djakarta, day 17 Boelan 08 years '05
Klad copy of the proclamation is not signed then be authentic and signed by Ir. Sukarno and Drs. Moh.Hatta
The word hal2 converted into Matters
Fill in the brief text of the proclamation of independence are:

Our nation is Indonesia with Indonesia declared independence.

Matters which the displacement kekoeasaan etc., held
closely with the manner and within the shortest possible time.

Djakarta, day 17 Boelan 8 tahoen 05
On behalf of the Indonesian nation.
Sukarno / Hatta

Here the 05 years since it was written in accordance with the Japanese year when it was the year 2605.Authentic Script
About this sound Soekarno read the text of the proclamationRRI in the studio in 1945 (help · info)Menu0:00
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Text above is for a set of Sayuti Melik (or Sajoeti Melik), one of the youth leaders who took part in the preparation of the proclamation.


Our nation is Indonesia with Indonesia declared independence.

It ² which the displacement kekoeasaan etc., held
closely with the manner and in the shortest possible time the entire period.

Djakarta, 17-8 - '05
Wakil2 Indonesia.
Text to speech proclamation of Indonesia's independenceProclamation Monument Proclamation on the road (first road Pegangsaan) the reading of the text of the proclamation in 1945

Ladies and gentlemen!

I have asked you to be here to witness the events in the history of our most important.

For decades we, the People of Indonesia, has been fighting for the freedom of our country-even for hundreds of years!

There are waves in our actions up to win independence, and there is a fall, but our spirit is still set in the direction of our ideals.

Also during the Japanese period our efforts to achieve national independence never stops. At the time Japan was just emerging that we bow to them. But basically, we still continue to build on our own strength, we still believe in our own strength.

Now has come a time when we really take our actions fate and the fate of our country into our own hands. Only a nation courageous enough to take fate into his own hands would be able to stand in strength.

Because last night we had a discussion with leaders from all over Indonesia Indonesia. That collection deliberative unanimously found now has come the time to declare independence.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Herewith we declare solidarity that determination.

Listen to our proclamation:

DJAKARTA, August 17, 1945

So, Ladies and Gentlemen!

We are now released!

No more occupation that binds our country and our nation!

From now on we build our country. A free country, the Republic of Indonesia and the ever-lasting independent. May God bless and make it safe for our freedom! [6]
How To Spread Text Proclamation of Indonesian Independence
Indonesia's territory is vast. Communication and transportation around the year 1945 is still very limited. In addition, barriers and restrictions to spread the news of the proclamation by the Japanese in Indonesia, a number of factors that led to the proclamation of the news has been delayed in some areas, especially outside Java. But with determination and fighting spirit, ultimately proclamation event known by all the people of Indonesia. More details follow the discussion below. Spread the proclamation of independence August 17, 1945 in Jakarta can be done quickly and soon spread widely. Later that day, the text of the proclamation had been up in the hands of the Office of the Head of Radio Domei (now ANTARA News), Waidan B. Palenewen. He received the text of the proclamation of a journalist named Domei Syahruddin. Then he ordered F. Wuz (a wireless operator), so news of the proclamation was broadcast three times in a row. New double F. Wuz perform their duties, the Japanese go to the radio room angrily, since learning of the proclamation has gone out through the air.
Although the Japanese news broadcast to a halt proclamation, but still ask Waidan Palenewen F. Wuz to continue broadcasting. News of the proclamation of independence is repeated every half hour until 16.00 when the broadcast stopped. As a result of the broadcast, the head of the Japanese in Java ordered to rectify the news and expressed as a mistake. On August 20, 1945 by the Japanese sealed transmitter and its employees are banned. Although the office Domei sealed transmitter, the youth with Jusuf Ronodipuro (a newsreader on Radio Domei) turned out to make a new transmitter with the help of a radio technician, among Sukarman, Sutamto, Susilahardja, and Suhandar. They set up a new transmitter in Menteng 31, the code calls DJK 1. From here the next news broadcast proclamation of independence.
Effort and struggle of the youth in spreading the news of the proclamation was also made through media releases and pamphlets. Almost all the Javanese daily in the publication dated August 20, 1945 carried a story proclamation of independence and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Asia Suara Surabaya is the first paper that contains news of the proclamation. Some youth leaders are struggling through the press, among others BM Diah, Sayuti Melik, and Sumanang. The proclamation of independence was also disseminated to the people of Indonesia through the installation of placards, posters and graffiti on walls and train carriages, for example with the slogan Respect our Constitution, August 17! (Respect our Constitution 17th August!) Through various means and media, eventually Indonesia Independence Proclamation news can spread widely in Indonesia and abroad. In addition to mass media, news of the proclamation also distributed directly by the delegates who attended the hearing PPKI area. Here are the messengers who spread the news PPKI proclamation.

Teuku Mohammad Hassan of Aceh.
Sam Ratulangi of Sulawesi.
Ktut Pudja of the Lesser Sunda (Bali).
A. A. Hamidan of Borneo.
Warning August 17, 1945Flag hoisting on August 17 celebration
Every year on August 17, the people of Indonesia Independence Day is celebrated with much fanfare. Start of the race mounting nut, cracker eating contest, until a military ceremony at the Presidential Palace, all parts of the community to participate in a way of each.Traditional competitions
The race that often adorn and enliven the Proclamation of Independence Day held in the villages / rural attended by local residents and coordinated by the village board / village youth

Mounting nut
Racing clogs
Tug of war
Slow bike
Eat crackers
Sack race
Pillow fight
Solving balloon
Taking the coins in wheat
Run Marbles
Warning Proclamation Seconds
Warning seconds Proclamation at the Presidential Palace chaired by the President as Inspector Ceremony. This warning is normally broadcast live by all television stations. The events on the morning include: shooting guns and sirens, the flag raising Saka Merah Putih (Flag Heritage), Proclamation readings, etc.. In the afternoon there is a flag shows the decline in Saka Merah Putih.

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