
Unique Facts About Indonesia
Okay guys this time I will discuss this fact in our country.

Our country is a country with the world's largest archipelago and consists of 17,504 islands, wow imagine just how banyanyaknya islands in our country is. It was from there that 17,504 islands 9643 islands that have not been named and 6,000 residents of the island who do not have, hmmm let alone if one of the 9643 islands that have not been given a name that is my island hahah I would gladly give her name Nasri'S ISLAND :) .

DiIndonesia is also the country with the highest interest rate is 740. ckckckc how rich our country that has 740 ethnic tribes such as Javanese, Sundanese, Batak, Bugis and others where there are 270 tribes dipapua course.
Indonesia is the only country ever to move capital quickly 4 times, yups namely Jakarta (1945-1946), Yogyakarta (1946-1948), bukittinggi (1948-1949), Jakarta (1950-present).

In Our country is also of interest that he said the world's largest flower Rafflesia arnoldi are having a diameter of 1 meter when the flowers bloom.

Be an Indonesia the largest Muslim country in the world. islam religion diIndonesia number around 216 million people or 88% of the population of Indonesia. we are also among the countries that have the highest number of mosques and pilgrims home country the world's largest. wow, to the extent that many Arab countries were defeated Muslim population of Indonesia.

National Flowers are very popular north korea kimilsurgia comes from Indonesia and is named by the first President Ir. Sukarno.
NATO soldier uniforms apparently produced by PT.Sritex, solo, central java. wow, one of our country's great to NATO uniforms are manufactured in the country. Shoes by brand adidas in collaboration with Indonesian companies and is the only company that is trusted by adidas to produce football boots around the world, that he how great our country is.
 Beans are the most expensive coffee beans in the world, and the producers are Indonesia wow when coffee is made from the results of badger dung.
 Bagteria bags made in Indonesia has been sold in many upscale malls in 32 countries around the world. world public figure who wears this product include Paris Hilton, Zara Phillips, Emma Thomson and Audrey Tatou. Wew top artists wrote disposable bags made in Indonesia? Come on Indonesia Disposable products guaranteed to satisfy: D
Apparently Water Bridge - trunk toward the stairs ngetrend aircraft at airports world first created by PT Bukaka, Indonesia. Indeed, Indonesia country great: D.
Apparently Factory / Manufacturing Mattel (Barbie Dolls of the USA) there are only 2 in the world. The first factory is located in China and factories both in Jakabeka, Cikarang, West Java.
Indonesia has the world's largest forest located in Kalimantan, Sumatra and Papua.
PT.Pal successfully made one of the best ships in the world "Star 50" weighs 50,000 tons. one of the book this ship is Singapore.

If imaginable Indonesia is very rich,,, rich in natural resources and rich in human resources. but where all the wealth??? this is what needs to be questioned in order to Indonesian citizens can live in peace.

Okay guys this late first facts about Indonesia that I lay out to you ..
-Last created by Nasri

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