

            Windows gives us the flexibility to adjust the desktop so the desktop look more in line with what we want. We can set the screen saver, wallpaper, time and date displayed on the desktop.
            Screen saver is an animated image or text can be displayed when the computer is not receiving a response from the user via the keyboard or the mouse in a certain time interval. True to its name, screen saver shown to prevent damage to the monitor screen displays the same result on an ongoing basis.
            At the time set the screen saver, you can set the image or text to be displayed and how long the time interval that the screen saver is displayed. If we do not want others to be able to use our computer when the screen saver is displayed, you can add a password on the screen saver.
            Set the screen saver can be done with the following steps.
1. Right-click on the desktop. On the menu that appears, click Properties. A dialog box will appear.
2. Click the screen saver tab.

3. On the screen saver options box, select the screen saver you want to use. If you want to use a screen saver from the image files that exist on the computer, select Photos.
4. Click the button settings. Photos screen saver dialog box options will be displayed

5. Click the Browser button and select the folder and pilhlah foldol Browser and pilhlah folder and select the folder where the image files you want to use stored.
6. Click the OK button.
7. Click the OK button. A dialog box will re-appear.
8. Wait text box, set the time before the screen saver displayed
9. Click the OK button.

      Sometimes the time and date used in the computer do not match. the time and date that does not comply will lead to giving the time and date of manufacture of a file to be incorrect. We can mengatir time and date to suit desired. Set the time and date can be done with the following steps.
1. On the taskbar, right-click on the icon at the time. Date and time dialog box will be displayed properties
2. On the date, set the bulla, year and date accordingly.

3. At the time, set the appropriate time.
4. Click the OK button.

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