

• Create a background layer frame 1 pd make boxes that meet the stage and given colors that correspond with the color to the sky. Right-click the frame 160 and select insert frame. Lock the background layer.
Create a new layer and name the layer "cloud", in frame 1 draw cumulus cloud layer then converts into movie clips, deri name "cloud". Put the clouds that had become towards the outside left of the stage.
• Click on the movie clip cloud and open action panel (F9). Then write the following script
onClipEvent (load) {
_y = 100 + random (400);
Xawal = _x;
Speed ​​= 10;
onClipEvet (enterFrame) {
_x + = speed
If (_x> 800) {
_x = xawal;
_y = 100 + random (400);
• Copy the clouds movie clip into several pieces with a different size and letek - different but the outside left of the stage. Right-click the frame 160 and select insert a key frame after that layer.
• Create a new layer and name the plane. Right-click the layer plane frame 20, and draw the shape plane, after which they will make the aircraft group (Ctrl + G).
• Put a plane that is in frame 20 to the outside right of the stage, right-click frame 50 and select insert keyframe. Slide the image plane that was in the frame 50 to the middle - the middle of the stage and create a motion tween.
• Right-click the layer plane frame 60 and select insert keyframe, do also pd frames to 70. In the 70th frame sliding plane slightly upward and create motion tween.
• Right-click the layer plane frame 80 and select insert keyframe, drag pasawat to slightly move then create a motion tween
Create a new layer then the layer named layer make sure the formula is in the bottom of the layer plane. In frame 50, write the formula and put it in the back of the plane. Insert keyframe pd frame to 80 layer formula. At frame 50 change paper size to be small and put the formula in such a way so that the aircraft can cover the writing was.

Insert keyframe pd frame to 120 and 160 planes and layer layer formula. Click the layer 160 layer plane and hold down the shift key and then frame 160 lyer formula, the 2nd objeck the stage will be selected. Slide the 2nd image / object TSB out the left side of the stage. Then create motion tween.

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