
Conduct of the Second Parent

               Assalamu Alaikum wr wb
     Oh I realize sawdara apply gentle Speaks to the Second Parent
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Prayers and peace to our Prophet Muhammad.
In this day and age, good moral to parents more and more lost. Moreover, already preoccupied with the wife and kids. Or perhaps there are busy out there, but when the parent calls, the child answers, "Oh Mom, it's more fun ya. Continue to be harassed. "Astagafirullah ...
so young, sometimes with a rude answer, even angrily. That's because the affected TV shows, and other environments.
We all know Mother's heaven on your feet ..
As parents we still treat them as best as possible, love them like they love you
Mrs. containing us for 9 months, gave birth to us by risking his life, subhanallah ...
When we are born we treat him with affection
He even shed tears at the sight of us sick
But, when they are grown up they are busy with their activities even sendri
    O my sawdara sawdari from now we should treat our parents is better than ever
due to good behavior to both our parents would allow us to heaven Allah SWT
Prostrate on the parents was incredible. Simple practice. But it takes practice. Moreover, we must confront the parents a simple emotion, a little angry. It takes patience. If we remember the meek ​​reply, it will make us good moral to them. Try to reply to evil with goodness. Moga be facilitated by us to do so.
May Allah give guidance and convenience for all of us to prostrate and moral in our parents that we love so.

Wassalamu Alaikum wr wb

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