Abalone Shellfish Mariculture History
Aquaculture is a human endeavor through labor and energy inputs, to increase the production of economically important sea by manipulating the rate of growth, mortality and reproduction. cultivation has been carried out since the first is maintenance of the water with the media feeding to aquatic organisms are maintained.
Aquaculture has a long history of 2,000 years before Christ when people in Japan began raising sea oysters (oyster). From literature is known that China has been keeping fish in saltwater since 475 BC and marine oyster cultivation Greeks 100 years before Christ.
Early aquaculture or mariculture in Indonesia is marked by the success of cultured pearls by the Japanese company in 1928 in Buton-Southeast. Furthermore, beginning in the 1970s conducted experiments and the development of seaweed farming (Euchema sp.) Samaringa Island-Central Sulawesi, with the cooperation between the Marine and Fisheries Research Institute of Denmark promotional purposes. Meanwhile, the early 1980's many entrepreneurs export live grouper in floating net Riau making step and floating net as shelters live grouper catches before export to Singapore and Hong Kong. The development of aquaculture in particular in floating net (KJA) triggered by the success of hatchery fish and hatchery fish in the grouper en masse in the 1990's at the Workshop on Coastal Aquaculture Research Gondol Bali.
New commodity that should be cultivated because the Abalone these commodities could be an exotic meal that is worth a premium, and even sold abroad. Perhaps not many people know about Abalone, although commodity sea has long been exploited, especially in America. Historically, the California Abalone have been arrested by the Chinese American population since the 1850s. While in Indonesia until now only a few people know about it. Abalone Aquaculture Workshop began researched Mariculture Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara since 1999. In the classification of animals, including abalone sea creatures of the class Gastropoda, family Haliotidae, Haliotis type (sea ear). She looked like a snail shell having only upper only. A unique, endemic animals, not all places there. Moving very slowly so easy prey predators, including humans. He lived on the seabed, especially composed now. Indonesia, which has the region this species is NTB (Lombok central south), Ambon, Madura, and Bajo (Sulawesi).
Population growth and changes in household consumption society toward a more healthy animal protein is one of the causes of the increasing need for fishery products.
Marine and coastal aquaculture activities most likely to become the foundation for the abundant food source in the future, because the chances of capture fisheries production continues to decline
Development of abalone shellfish farming in the future have a fairly bright prospects, given its several advantages both from cultivation to marketing techniques.
Abalone meat have a high nutrition with protein content of 71.99%, fat 3.20%, fiber 5.60%, ash 11.11% and 0.60% moisture content, and the shells have an aesthetic value that can be used for jewelry , making buttons and other various forms of handicrafts. Production of abalone shells are now much more derived from catches in nature, and this will cause shortages will kekwatiran ended extinction.
Abalone abroad can be an expensive exotic foods. Exoticism abalone menu is visible in one of the restaurants in Hong Kong that displayed their products on the internet. Menu called Abalone with congee pegged at U.S. $ 82 (more than USD 700,000.00). Because it is easily captured in the wild and have high economic value (as sea food), it led to over-exploitation and trade of these animals.
Aquaculture is a human endeavor, using inputs of labor and energy, to increase the production of marine organisms by manipulating the growth, mortality and reproduction can be defined as an effort to develop the potential of natural resources in a confined area either open or closed
The types of farming techniques that raft hanging, ponds, floating net cages and cages step.
1. Oceanography chemistry (pH, salinity, temperature, inorganic minerals)
2. Oceanography biology (distribution of nutrients)
3. Physical Oceanography (waves, tides, currents)
4. Environmental Management
5. socio - economic development (empowerment to coastal communities / farmers, production management, marketing management)
A. Site Selection
As a first step aquaculture is the cultivation of proper site selection. Therefore, the selection and cultivation location determination should be based ecological considerations, technical, hygienic, socio-economic, and regulatory provisions in force. Site selection should be done by considering a combination of several factors that were examined thoroughly.
Abalone shellfish living in the area surrounding the coral sandy beach and rarely even there dimuara river. It will be the primary consideration in choosing a location cultured abalone shells. Therefore, not all locations can be used as a cultivation of abalone shells. In addition to the location factor, a very important factor to consider is the safety factor. The safety factor is a determinant in the success of any business activity undertaken. Location is ideal but if the safety factor does not support will cause a loss resulting from theft, and it will result in substantial losses.
1. Technical Requirements
By their very nature are strongly influenced by water conditions, the environment for marine aquaculture in floating net cages is crucial to business success. Good site selection should pay attention to aspects of physics, biology, and chemistry are suitable waters for marine life. In addition, site selection should also consider aspects of its operating cost of cultivation.
2. Terms socio-economic
Here are some socio-economic aspects that need attention in the selection and siting.
a) Affordability location. Cultivation location is chosen should be an easily accessible location.
b) Labor. Labor should be selected that have a residence adjacent to farming, especially the empowerment of communities and fishermen.
c) Means and pre means. Location cultivation should be adjacent to the transportation infrastructure ynag adequate to facilitate the transport of materials, seeds, and other outcomes.
d) The condition of the community. Society more conducive conditions will allow the development of marine farming in the area.
3. Non-technical requirements
Non-technical requirements that must be met in the selection of the location is:
a) Keterlindungan. What culture should be protected from physical harm that can cause damage. For example, large waves and wind. Therefore, the location of cultivation is usually chosen in a protected or blocked by the island.
b) Security site. Theft issues should be considered in site selection for the process of cultivation cultivation safe and uninterrupted.
c) Conflict of interest. Location cultivation should not lead to a conflict of interest, for example, between fishing and nonperikanan (tourism).
d) Aspects of regulation and legislation. Site selection should be appropriate and does not violate the rules in order to be sustainable aquaculture.
B. Technical Cultivation
Based on the method of cultivation, now Loka Mariculture-Lombok has implemented and developed two methods, namely: 1). Pen-culture method (confinement step) and 2). Floating Keramba method (KJA). In both of these methods have specifications different locations.
a. Pen-Culture Method.
Location requirements for cultivation of abalone shells with pen-culture method is as follows:
- The beach area with low rainfall
What should have low rainfall throughout the year, this is to avoid the fluctuation of the parameters of seawater salinity especially striking. In high rainfall areas will berdanpak very bad at low tide, the rain water will stagnate on the location of pen-culture, resulting in salinity will drop drastically. If this lasts long enough will cause stress and endanger the lives of abalone shells and lead to death.
- The beach area away / no estuaries.
It aims to avoid abrasion of fresh water that can lead to changes in water quality, especially salinity and particles and are carried away by the current waste stream. The situation is just as bad to give danpak life abalone shells. Therefore, this area should not be used as the location buddiaya abalone shells.
- The state of a sloping beach / flat (not steep / rugged).
Kedaan sloping beach / flat will help in building construction pen-culture, and vice versa, in the rugged coastal area would make it difficult to put construction / container cultivation.
- Basic rocky sand beach and sea algae that grow there (ex: seagrass beds)
The selection of a location such as this to bring the situation container cultivation of native habitat in the form of abalone shells. In addition, in the sandy areas of mud particles in a suspension or loss of water very slightly so the clarity of the water is still safe. The presence of algae that grow in the area will become a benchmark for the sustainability of food availability and survival of feed to be given as Gracilaria sp. Instead, the region will continue to happen muddy turbidity due to soil particles carried in water bodies can cause sediment / sediment that ultimately endanger the lives of the abalone shell abalone shells can be buried in the sediment, making it difficult to obtain oxygen which eventually became a high mortality rate.
- The water level at low tide.
At low tide, the location should remain in flooded areas, if the location is located in the dry coastal areas, then the inside of the pen-culture must be excavated to a depth of at least 10-15cm in order to maintain a pool of water at low tide. It aims to avoid a very noticeable change in temperature and avoid dryness of the abalone shells were inside for long periods can lead to death.
- Easily accessible and supervised.
Must be easily accessible location (close to the residence), aimed to facilitate supervision at all times, especially construction damage or other things that can cause harm and endanger the lives of abalone shells, such as a predator. In addition, the proximity is also an appropriate precautions.
- Wave / surf beach that is not too big
The beach area is used as the location to be protected from the pounding waves large enough, aims to avoid damage to the container / pen-culture construction. Another thing, a location that has great surf the age of economic means will be short and will increase the cost of construction and repairs must be made solid, of course this will reduce profit margins and can even result in losses.
b. Methods KJA
Abalone shellfish aquaculture site selection method is in principle the same cage culture site selection on grouper duck (Cromileptes altivelis) by a system of cages. Therefore, the cultivation of abalone shells can be made with grouper fish in the net of a different duck or separately. The location requirements are as follows:
- Natural disturbance factor.
Waves and currents:
Big wave will result in a raft shock is strong enough, it will cause damage to the construction of the raft and the difficulty in working. In addition, the current strength is also crucial. Flow closely related to the circulation of water in the container maintenance / nets. Strong currents may result terlilitnya container / nets. Therefore, the wave should be <>
Not up-welling areas:
This location is protected from the base to the surface water velocity (up-welling). In the frequent up-welling very dangerous living organisms are kept, where the underground water with very low oxygen content and toxic gases will surface that can cause mass death. Locations such as these should be avoided.
Abalone shellfish is an animal that moves very slowly so if there is a good pollution industrial pollution, sewage ponds and from the local community will be difficult to avoid, the result would be mass death.
Depth of water:
The depth of the water affects the quality of the water at that location. What a shallow mixing will be easier the basic result of the influence that ultimately lead to a wave of turbidity. As a basic benchmark at the lowest tide water depth should be more than 3m from the base of waring / nets.
- Water quality factors.
Table 1. Parameter kualita water for shellfish aquaculture abalone (H. asinina).
No. Parameter Unit Value average
1. 30-33 ppt salinity
2. Temperature ° C 29.5 to 30
3. DO mg / l 5.9 to 6.11
4. pH - 8.2 to 8.9
5. Ammonia ppm <>
6 Brightness m> 10
Sources: Mariculture Loka-Lombok, NTB. 2005
Water quality factors shall not constitute an obstacle if the area is a region grouper. Another case in the new location, there should be an approach to the measurement of water quality parameters and test measures that are simple if it has no water quality measuring device that is by maintaining some tail abalone shells in the area, a minimum of about 2-4 weeks ( about 1 month), and parameters measured were able to survive and be able to eat food given. It will be used as a benchmark that the site has been able to support the cultivation of abalone shells.
Process activities
Pre cultivation prior to the time when the cultivation, which referred to in the pre-cultivation, among others: Human Resources (HR), Capital Markets and Consumers, and cultivation techniques.
Human Resources is an important aspect in doing some farming activities, because no human resources we can make cultivation impossible. HR relating to the availability of skilled labor often be a very mendasar.Namun, providing skilled personnel can be pursued through training-pelatihan.Biasanya we can take advantage of residents around the location of cultivation that has no steady job, so as to create new jobs for them.
Capital is a factor that may be said to be in punyai every cultivators, the farmers usually work with investors.
Markets and Consumers need to be considered before doing farming activities. Maybe in abalone farming in Indonesia is still not known why farming should be developed because it is very rewarding and a promising potential.
abalone shells merpakan herbivorous animals, the plant-eating animals, and actively feeding on the dark atmosphere. Type of food is seaweed commonly called macro algae. Types of seaweed / algae growing macro sea is very diverse. Broadly speaking there are three classes of seaweed / macro algae that live in the ocean, namely: 1) macro red algae (Red seaweeds), 2) brown algae (Brown seaweeds), and 3) algae green (Green seaweed). The three groups are divided into several types and diverse. Diversity is not all abalone shells can be used as food.
Abalone seed production methods is to stem from natural selection, pemijahanalami, maintenance of the live feed, Abalone larval rearing and nursery, harvest seeds for enlargement. Larval rearing done in fiber glass tub capacity of 1.5 m3. Feed early form of benthic Nitzschia sp, seeds Abalone age 2 to 2.5 months already can eat seaweed Gracilaria sp.
Monotoring organisms, seeds, tools reconstruction, environmental
Feed is the most important thing in terms of cultivated abalone shells, abalone shells untu feed is usually seaweed or macroalgae. The following species / types of seaweed abalone shells that can be used as food, namely:
a. Macro of red algae, namely:
- Corallina
- Lithothamnium
- Gracilaria
- Jeanerettia
- Porphyra
b. Macro brown algae:
- Ecklonia
- Laminaria
- Macrocystis
- Nereocystis
- Undaria
- Sargasum
c. Macro green algae, such as Ulva
Harvesting abalone without using tools, but using hands after reached market size. In remote areas, abalone fishermen arrested preserved by boiling, and then dried before being sold / exported. For now, the cultivation of abalone is sold in the form preserved in refrigerated / frozen.
Marketing Management:
a. Offer
jhasil yield and harvest abalone aquaculture is still in the development stage so for marketing is still less than optimal and can not be determined by the market.
b. Price
for abalone aquaculture is not yet know the price for sure.
c. Marketing
abalone aquaculture marketing is still in the development stage remains to be developed intensively because it has the potential to be beneficial in terms of economic and social.
Aquaculture is a human endeavor through labor and energy inputs, to increase the production of economically important sea by manipulating the rate of growth, mortality and reproduction. cultivation has been carried out since the first is maintenance of the water with the media feeding to aquatic organisms are maintained.
Aquaculture has a long history of 2,000 years before Christ when people in Japan began raising sea oysters (oyster). From literature is known that China has been keeping fish in saltwater since 475 BC and marine oyster cultivation Greeks 100 years before Christ.
Early aquaculture or mariculture in Indonesia is marked by the success of cultured pearls by the Japanese company in 1928 in Buton-Southeast. Furthermore, beginning in the 1970s conducted experiments and the development of seaweed farming (Euchema sp.) Samaringa Island-Central Sulawesi, with the cooperation between the Marine and Fisheries Research Institute of Denmark promotional purposes. Meanwhile, the early 1980's many entrepreneurs export live grouper in floating net Riau making step and floating net as shelters live grouper catches before export to Singapore and Hong Kong. The development of aquaculture in particular in floating net (KJA) triggered by the success of hatchery fish and hatchery fish in the grouper en masse in the 1990's at the Workshop on Coastal Aquaculture Research Gondol Bali.
New commodity that should be cultivated because the Abalone these commodities could be an exotic meal that is worth a premium, and even sold abroad. Perhaps not many people know about Abalone, although commodity sea has long been exploited, especially in America. Historically, the California Abalone have been arrested by the Chinese American population since the 1850s. While in Indonesia until now only a few people know about it. Abalone Aquaculture Workshop began researched Mariculture Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara since 1999. In the classification of animals, including abalone sea creatures of the class Gastropoda, family Haliotidae, Haliotis type (sea ear). She looked like a snail shell having only upper only. A unique, endemic animals, not all places there. Moving very slowly so easy prey predators, including humans. He lived on the seabed, especially composed now. Indonesia, which has the region this species is NTB (Lombok central south), Ambon, Madura, and Bajo (Sulawesi).
Population growth and changes in household consumption society toward a more healthy animal protein is one of the causes of the increasing need for fishery products.
Marine and coastal aquaculture activities most likely to become the foundation for the abundant food source in the future, because the chances of capture fisheries production continues to decline
Development of abalone shellfish farming in the future have a fairly bright prospects, given its several advantages both from cultivation to marketing techniques.
Abalone meat have a high nutrition with protein content of 71.99%, fat 3.20%, fiber 5.60%, ash 11.11% and 0.60% moisture content, and the shells have an aesthetic value that can be used for jewelry , making buttons and other various forms of handicrafts. Production of abalone shells are now much more derived from catches in nature, and this will cause shortages will kekwatiran ended extinction.
Abalone abroad can be an expensive exotic foods. Exoticism abalone menu is visible in one of the restaurants in Hong Kong that displayed their products on the internet. Menu called Abalone with congee pegged at U.S. $ 82 (more than USD 700,000.00). Because it is easily captured in the wild and have high economic value (as sea food), it led to over-exploitation and trade of these animals.
Aquaculture is a human endeavor, using inputs of labor and energy, to increase the production of marine organisms by manipulating the growth, mortality and reproduction can be defined as an effort to develop the potential of natural resources in a confined area either open or closed
The types of farming techniques that raft hanging, ponds, floating net cages and cages step.
1. Oceanography chemistry (pH, salinity, temperature, inorganic minerals)
2. Oceanography biology (distribution of nutrients)
3. Physical Oceanography (waves, tides, currents)
4. Environmental Management
5. socio - economic development (empowerment to coastal communities / farmers, production management, marketing management)
A. Site Selection
As a first step aquaculture is the cultivation of proper site selection. Therefore, the selection and cultivation location determination should be based ecological considerations, technical, hygienic, socio-economic, and regulatory provisions in force. Site selection should be done by considering a combination of several factors that were examined thoroughly.
Abalone shellfish living in the area surrounding the coral sandy beach and rarely even there dimuara river. It will be the primary consideration in choosing a location cultured abalone shells. Therefore, not all locations can be used as a cultivation of abalone shells. In addition to the location factor, a very important factor to consider is the safety factor. The safety factor is a determinant in the success of any business activity undertaken. Location is ideal but if the safety factor does not support will cause a loss resulting from theft, and it will result in substantial losses.
1. Technical Requirements
By their very nature are strongly influenced by water conditions, the environment for marine aquaculture in floating net cages is crucial to business success. Good site selection should pay attention to aspects of physics, biology, and chemistry are suitable waters for marine life. In addition, site selection should also consider aspects of its operating cost of cultivation.
2. Terms socio-economic
Here are some socio-economic aspects that need attention in the selection and siting.
a) Affordability location. Cultivation location is chosen should be an easily accessible location.
b) Labor. Labor should be selected that have a residence adjacent to farming, especially the empowerment of communities and fishermen.
c) Means and pre means. Location cultivation should be adjacent to the transportation infrastructure ynag adequate to facilitate the transport of materials, seeds, and other outcomes.
d) The condition of the community. Society more conducive conditions will allow the development of marine farming in the area.
3. Non-technical requirements
Non-technical requirements that must be met in the selection of the location is:
a) Keterlindungan. What culture should be protected from physical harm that can cause damage. For example, large waves and wind. Therefore, the location of cultivation is usually chosen in a protected or blocked by the island.
b) Security site. Theft issues should be considered in site selection for the process of cultivation cultivation safe and uninterrupted.
c) Conflict of interest. Location cultivation should not lead to a conflict of interest, for example, between fishing and nonperikanan (tourism).
d) Aspects of regulation and legislation. Site selection should be appropriate and does not violate the rules in order to be sustainable aquaculture.
B. Technical Cultivation
Based on the method of cultivation, now Loka Mariculture-Lombok has implemented and developed two methods, namely: 1). Pen-culture method (confinement step) and 2). Floating Keramba method (KJA). In both of these methods have specifications different locations.
a. Pen-Culture Method.
Location requirements for cultivation of abalone shells with pen-culture method is as follows:
- The beach area with low rainfall
What should have low rainfall throughout the year, this is to avoid the fluctuation of the parameters of seawater salinity especially striking. In high rainfall areas will berdanpak very bad at low tide, the rain water will stagnate on the location of pen-culture, resulting in salinity will drop drastically. If this lasts long enough will cause stress and endanger the lives of abalone shells and lead to death.
- The beach area away / no estuaries.
It aims to avoid abrasion of fresh water that can lead to changes in water quality, especially salinity and particles and are carried away by the current waste stream. The situation is just as bad to give danpak life abalone shells. Therefore, this area should not be used as the location buddiaya abalone shells.
- The state of a sloping beach / flat (not steep / rugged).
Kedaan sloping beach / flat will help in building construction pen-culture, and vice versa, in the rugged coastal area would make it difficult to put construction / container cultivation.
- Basic rocky sand beach and sea algae that grow there (ex: seagrass beds)
The selection of a location such as this to bring the situation container cultivation of native habitat in the form of abalone shells. In addition, in the sandy areas of mud particles in a suspension or loss of water very slightly so the clarity of the water is still safe. The presence of algae that grow in the area will become a benchmark for the sustainability of food availability and survival of feed to be given as Gracilaria sp. Instead, the region will continue to happen muddy turbidity due to soil particles carried in water bodies can cause sediment / sediment that ultimately endanger the lives of the abalone shell abalone shells can be buried in the sediment, making it difficult to obtain oxygen which eventually became a high mortality rate.
- The water level at low tide.
At low tide, the location should remain in flooded areas, if the location is located in the dry coastal areas, then the inside of the pen-culture must be excavated to a depth of at least 10-15cm in order to maintain a pool of water at low tide. It aims to avoid a very noticeable change in temperature and avoid dryness of the abalone shells were inside for long periods can lead to death.
- Easily accessible and supervised.
Must be easily accessible location (close to the residence), aimed to facilitate supervision at all times, especially construction damage or other things that can cause harm and endanger the lives of abalone shells, such as a predator. In addition, the proximity is also an appropriate precautions.
- Wave / surf beach that is not too big
The beach area is used as the location to be protected from the pounding waves large enough, aims to avoid damage to the container / pen-culture construction. Another thing, a location that has great surf the age of economic means will be short and will increase the cost of construction and repairs must be made solid, of course this will reduce profit margins and can even result in losses.
b. Methods KJA
Abalone shellfish aquaculture site selection method is in principle the same cage culture site selection on grouper duck (Cromileptes altivelis) by a system of cages. Therefore, the cultivation of abalone shells can be made with grouper fish in the net of a different duck or separately. The location requirements are as follows:
- Natural disturbance factor.
Waves and currents:
Big wave will result in a raft shock is strong enough, it will cause damage to the construction of the raft and the difficulty in working. In addition, the current strength is also crucial. Flow closely related to the circulation of water in the container maintenance / nets. Strong currents may result terlilitnya container / nets. Therefore, the wave should be <>
Not up-welling areas:
This location is protected from the base to the surface water velocity (up-welling). In the frequent up-welling very dangerous living organisms are kept, where the underground water with very low oxygen content and toxic gases will surface that can cause mass death. Locations such as these should be avoided.
Abalone shellfish is an animal that moves very slowly so if there is a good pollution industrial pollution, sewage ponds and from the local community will be difficult to avoid, the result would be mass death.
Depth of water:
The depth of the water affects the quality of the water at that location. What a shallow mixing will be easier the basic result of the influence that ultimately lead to a wave of turbidity. As a basic benchmark at the lowest tide water depth should be more than 3m from the base of waring / nets.
- Water quality factors.
Table 1. Parameter kualita water for shellfish aquaculture abalone (H. asinina).
No. Parameter Unit Value average
1. 30-33 ppt salinity
2. Temperature ° C 29.5 to 30
3. DO mg / l 5.9 to 6.11
4. pH - 8.2 to 8.9
5. Ammonia ppm <>
6 Brightness m> 10
Sources: Mariculture Loka-Lombok, NTB. 2005
Water quality factors shall not constitute an obstacle if the area is a region grouper. Another case in the new location, there should be an approach to the measurement of water quality parameters and test measures that are simple if it has no water quality measuring device that is by maintaining some tail abalone shells in the area, a minimum of about 2-4 weeks ( about 1 month), and parameters measured were able to survive and be able to eat food given. It will be used as a benchmark that the site has been able to support the cultivation of abalone shells.
Process activities
Pre cultivation prior to the time when the cultivation, which referred to in the pre-cultivation, among others: Human Resources (HR), Capital Markets and Consumers, and cultivation techniques.
Human Resources is an important aspect in doing some farming activities, because no human resources we can make cultivation impossible. HR relating to the availability of skilled labor often be a very mendasar.Namun, providing skilled personnel can be pursued through training-pelatihan.Biasanya we can take advantage of residents around the location of cultivation that has no steady job, so as to create new jobs for them.
Capital is a factor that may be said to be in punyai every cultivators, the farmers usually work with investors.
Markets and Consumers need to be considered before doing farming activities. Maybe in abalone farming in Indonesia is still not known why farming should be developed because it is very rewarding and a promising potential.
abalone shells merpakan herbivorous animals, the plant-eating animals, and actively feeding on the dark atmosphere. Type of food is seaweed commonly called macro algae. Types of seaweed / algae growing macro sea is very diverse. Broadly speaking there are three classes of seaweed / macro algae that live in the ocean, namely: 1) macro red algae (Red seaweeds), 2) brown algae (Brown seaweeds), and 3) algae green (Green seaweed). The three groups are divided into several types and diverse. Diversity is not all abalone shells can be used as food.
Abalone seed production methods is to stem from natural selection, pemijahanalami, maintenance of the live feed, Abalone larval rearing and nursery, harvest seeds for enlargement. Larval rearing done in fiber glass tub capacity of 1.5 m3. Feed early form of benthic Nitzschia sp, seeds Abalone age 2 to 2.5 months already can eat seaweed Gracilaria sp.
Monotoring organisms, seeds, tools reconstruction, environmental
Feed is the most important thing in terms of cultivated abalone shells, abalone shells untu feed is usually seaweed or macroalgae. The following species / types of seaweed abalone shells that can be used as food, namely:
a. Macro of red algae, namely:
- Corallina
- Lithothamnium
- Gracilaria
- Jeanerettia
- Porphyra
b. Macro brown algae:
- Ecklonia
- Laminaria
- Macrocystis
- Nereocystis
- Undaria
- Sargasum
c. Macro green algae, such as Ulva
Harvesting abalone without using tools, but using hands after reached market size. In remote areas, abalone fishermen arrested preserved by boiling, and then dried before being sold / exported. For now, the cultivation of abalone is sold in the form preserved in refrigerated / frozen.
Marketing Management:
a. Offer
jhasil yield and harvest abalone aquaculture is still in the development stage so for marketing is still less than optimal and can not be determined by the market.
b. Price
for abalone aquaculture is not yet know the price for sure.
c. Marketing
abalone aquaculture marketing is still in the development stage remains to be developed intensively because it has the potential to be beneficial in terms of economic and social.