
Clean the "Keyboard": laptop keyboard so easy to dirty, either because
the greasy fingers, cigarette ash, bread crumbs, or dust. Take a brush and brush to the sidelines button to remove dirt, or use a portable vacuum cleaner to suck up the dust. Clean the surface of the keyboard keys with a cloth dampened with glass cleaner. Use the keyboard protector protection to prevent dirt.
* Wiping Screen: Do not carelessly use a liquid cleaner on the screen, use glass cleaner. Spray on a soft cloth or cotton, then polish the screen. Do not spray directly on the screen, because it can cause the surface LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) to be spotted. Clean the same direction, for example, from top to bottom or from left to right, and do not push too hard.
* Avoid hot sun: Do not leave the notebook buddy in a car parked in the sun. Excessive heat in the car can cause damage to components of the notebook.
* Avoid Scratches: Secure your sharp objects from around the notebook buddy. Place the protective layer on top of the keyboard before pal close the case, so that the screen was scratched. When Buddy wanted to travel, enter the notebook on the container / bag that has been available.
* Case Shining: Dirty hands and greasy also lead case is no longer shiny. Use nonzat alkaline detergent diluted with water to clean. Can also be a multipurpose cleaner for electronic devices, which are usually in the form of foam. Spray on a soft cloth, gently rub the surface of the case.
Saving notebook: When Buddy will keep a notebook for a long time, you
should remove the battery and store in a cool, dry, and the air
circulates well. Place the silicone gel to prevent mildew. So want to use it again, stun battery by filling and emptying as many as three times in a row.
Avoid Magnetic Field: (Naah Buddy Zs that this needs to be read looch
...,) To protect the data on the hard disk, do not place devices that
contain magnetic / electromagnetic strong around the notebook. Devices produce a magnetic field, for example, the speakers are not shielded (unshielded speaker system) or mobile phone. Should
you wish to access the Internet using mobile infrared facilities, place
the phone in a distance of about 15 cm from the notebook.
2.Kamera Video

Taking care of a video camera carried by the following six steps:
* Do not tingalkan tape in your camcorder when not in use. Cassettes can cause friction and this can cause problems in the process of recording and playback
* Try to Insert a video cassette in really cold conditions. Moisture from the warm air can make a tape stuck to the drum so that the damage can damage the tape and the video head.
* Do not leave the battery inside the camera when not in use. Some interesting camera battery energy in small amounts, but the constant so that it can drain the battery.
* Do not leave the camcorder tapes in the car exposed to hot air.
* Do not put labels on label tape camcorder which is probably against the cassette door opener. This can cause the tape stuck on the camera
Treat camcorder / video camera with a buddy handed technician to clean the tape head when dirty.3. Mobile

or what we often call this phone is excellent equipment we need to at
the present either for communication with family, friends, and
communicate with friends or siapapun.saat does hp have Familyar use in
all walks of life regardless of age and who people it,
must have been using hp.jadi because hp to any of our needs, it is also
very important perawatanya for convenience of use later.
Cas Hp buddy until it is completely full, and the rechargeable battery
when it is depleted, although new types of batteries are like Lithium
Polymer can be filled at any time but in general, if done too often
charging will shorten battery life.
Enable LCK also keypad (keypad lock) this will prevent accidental
usage, such as unconsciously pressed a few buttons that perform certain
kenomor dial without realizing buddy. This
is in addition to reducing spending membengkakan pulse or pulses Buddy
will also interfere with the person receiving the call is not
Clean Mobile Buddy with lap times and never use chemicals for
membersihkanya although there are fluid as contact cleaner that can
clean up the components in the mobile kompenen well as use by the less
skilled can actually cause damage.
Use safety gloves such as mobile phone / bag ponsel.Selain prevent the
risk of falling, with sarug phone might hold water and dust to get into
the phone quickly.
* Place the phone ti a no water and dust. Also avoid putting the phone in place by radiation and high magnetic fields. Put the phone in a high magnetic field will force the phone to issue a maximum power to get the best signl.
* Avoid putting the phone in hot areas exceeding room temperature and place a high condensation.Here are some tips for caring for SLR digital cameras and other photographic equipment:

1. Caring for the lens.Lens of the eye is the window to see the outside world. The lens is the most important element to be able to produce good images. Some lens care steps are as follows:a. Do not touch the lens directly with your fingers. To reduce the likelihood of this happening, try the lens hood always attached. Lens hood also protects the front of the lens from impact and prevent the emergence of frontal head light flare on the lens.b. Replace
the lens cap when the lens is not in use, it aims to reduce the
likelihood of exposure and attachment of dust on the lens surface.c. If the activity is necessary to clean the lens, then use a good cleaning equipment is highly recommended. Always use lens brush, lens blower, lens paper and lens cloth is good.Here are some steps to clean the lens:> Clean the front and rear lenses with a lens blower first. The goal is to eliminate the dust particles. Do
not immediately clean the lens with a lens cloth or lens paper cause
participate rubbed dust particles will cause the surface of the lens
coating will be scratched. It can result in permanent disturbances on the photo.> Some of the dust particles still attached can also be eliminated with the help of lens brush.>
Then wipe the lens gently and slowly with a lens cloth / lens dry paper
in a circular motion from the inside of the lens toward the exit.> If necessary, the liquid lens cleaner / lens cleaning fluid can be used specifically to clean dirt lens rather stubborn. Do feeding and directly on the lens, put the lens paper first, then rub gently on the lens.2. Caring for the camera.

The camera is the second most important photographic equipment, this is where the sensor is highly sensitive camera.Here are some steps treating digital cameras:a. Maintaining the exterior of the camera / chassis part usually done first. This is done to reduce the possibility of the entry of dirt when it will clean the inside. Dust from the outside will easily fit into, especially if we often change lenses.> Clean the outside of the camera with a blower first, and for some still clinging dust brush can be used.>
Then use lens cloth or a soft dry cloth to clean some special parts
such as the camera LCD panel, viewfinder, and flash hotshoe.b. After the above steps, followed by treating the inside of the camera. The inside of the camera is the location of the camera sensor.> Before cleaning the inside of the camera, make sure that the maintenance is done on a clean space with adequate lighting. You should also in a clean condition.> The first step is cleaning the mirror with a blower or a blower brush. The camera is held face down and the blower is pumped up, the goal for the blown dust particles to fall down follow gravity.> Then clean the sensor. To be able to do the mirror should be in lock up first. On some cameras feature is provided by selecting it from the camera menu. Make sure the batteries were pretty full when going on a mirror lock up. Started
by pressing the shutter release, the mirror will be raised and the
shutter is open., The camera is held facing downward (sensor facing
down), pump blower (blower without brush) several times to blow the dust
particles that may be stuck to the sensor. When finished, turn off the camera to finish the mirror lock up function.> If the sensor is very dirty, you can clean it with a cleaning swab kits with special sensors. With this tool, we clean the sensor physically by doing swab / smear the dirt on the sensor. This action should be done gently and carefully, if not sure you should follow their activities on sensor cleaning professional.> NB. If
you do not feel confident to conduct clean the inside of the camera,
especially the sensor, you should follow these maintenance activities on
their professional. Compared
to the risks that may arise such as damage to the mirror, shutter,
sensor atapun then seek professional help those who are wise choices.3. Caring for the battery.

The battery serves as a resource to turn on the camera, good treatment can extend the battery life of the camera. Here are a few things to note:a. Do not leave batteries exposed to extreme temperatures above 43 C. This can cause permanent damage to the battery. Place the battery in a cool, dry place.b. Do not over-charge the battery, if the charger has shown immediately unplug the battery is fully charged.c. Charge the battery before or after long periods of storage. Used or unused battery will undergo the process of weakening, to remain durable then the battery needs to be charged again.d. Remove the battery from the camera when not using it for a long time.f. Do not mix old and new batteries use, including use batteries with different brands.
4. Caring for memory cards and accessories.

a. Memory card serves as data storage. Can be a SD / secure digital, CF / compact flash, and so on. Treat these items carefully, its small makes them easily damaged. To protect it, keep always in its own casing when not in use.b. Accessories such as a camera lens filters, lens hood, flash and others need to be treated to keep it clean. Stand flash and flash battery contacts need to be cleaned regularly to avoid accumulation of dirt.5. Storage.a. The camera should be avoided from extreme temperatures are very hot or very cold. Avoid camera from direct exposure to the sun for long periods of time. Do not ever keep any in hot conditions such as in a car or in very cold conditions.b. When storing the camera, keep the equipment from objects that have a strong magnetic field. The magnetic field can affect the electronic circuitry contained on a digital camera.c. Keep
your camera, lenses and other accessories in a dry box which has a
regulating device dpergunakan moisture when not in a long time. Or store the device in a special container with silica gel included to regulate humidity.6. Caring for my bag camera.

Camera Bag is a storage medium of photography equipment when traveling. Thus treatment is also essential in order to protect photographic equipment that we have. Dirty bag resulted in it being dirty equipment. Here are several treatment steps:a. Once the bag is used, remove it and wash the inside and outside. For maximum results can be used vacuum cleaner. After shooting outdoors, particles of dust, dirt and sand usually accumulate so much needs to be cleaned.b. Wash your camera bag in a regular period, especially after not being used for long periods of time.Digital photography equipment requires investment funds are not small, so the absolute care should be done routinely. Good
maintenance will maintain the condition of our photography equipment to
still be used well, can be used in a long time, and thus can maintain
the selling price backSome things to avoid the camera:1. Avoid cold weather or cold air-conditioned room2. Avoid Conflicts3. Avoid the use of facilities REW / FF on camera4. Do not over use manual except in indoor facilities.5. Avoid the use of tape used, unless the tape is new unused 1 or 2 times. with good storage tapes, away from dust.6. Highly recommended if you can capture images and use other tools such as handycame.7. Always carry a spare camera.For
those of you who have a camera sudahsangat Although proficient in
operating it, but also so need to know how to merawatkamera properly to
avoid damage and age panjang.Berikut are some tips on how to care for a
good camera, so your camera can remain durable, it can be function properly and live longer.1. Place of Storage:Outdoor storage is worth noting, save andadi camera is a cool place (tidah too hot and not too humid) and protected from dust. you
bisamembeli special storage closet cameras but the price is still
relatively expensive, to be able to buy an alternative lainanda sized
glass / wood cheaper pair 5watt lights in it and adjust the distance
from the light to your camera around 40cm so that the temperature inside
the cupboard can stay cool. kemudianletakkan some silica gel to prevent mildew.2. How to save:in addition to a storage area in the way you keep the camera also harusdiperkatikan. make sure you put the camera position is correct, clean it andasebelum camera store. for storage in a long time is remove the battery from menghindri dalamkamera for Over-charger. for D-SLR camera, release is kensa before simpandan remember in pairs 'bodyup' it on the lens and camera body. if
you bring your camera store kameradalam traveling in a special bag or
purse where cameras are thinking about lapisanlebut thicker and fit the
size of your camera to avoid shocks.3. Avoid excessive sun:Excessive sun heat can damage your camera's parts are made of plastic and rubber and electronic parts inside.4. Hidari Kapur Barus:camphor
is a thing that is in fear by the camera, because it can damage the PBC
camphor (printed circuit board) is the place where electronic chips
ituterpasang camera. camphor vapor can also make spots spots on the lens of your camera. by beritakerusakan on the camera caused by camphor is very difficult to repair and even mungkintidak be repaired anymore.5. Avoid Sea:Sea
water is very dangerous for the camera, keep the camera from splashes
of sea water, sea water is very nasty and potentially cause rust on the
camera or other electronic device. for
D-SLR camera users, never once changing lenses on the beach especially
at sea, because the sea water vapor in the wind can blow into your
camera and take a grain of sand and salt substances that cause damage to
the inside of your camera. sehabishunting
at sea or shore immediately wash your camera because mengandungzat
grain of sand grains of salt can cause rust on the camera is made of
iron.6. Clean the camera:Try you can always clean up after your camera at least once a week gunakanatau. use
a soft cloth or a special camera glasses to pakaimengelap usually
memebersihkan body and the outside of the lens to the lens front baguian
danfilternya you can use a special lens cleaning wipes. debugunakanlah brush for cleaning delicate or shaving brush to the inside of the camera and use a blower khususkamera. peratan in all these can be found in camera stores terekat in your city.7. Periodic Servislah:Perform regular service should not wait until the camera is broken new service. servislah your camera in a formal, if you are not a camera repairman once jangansekali unload your camera at home.